Sapphire Residences
Floor plan
Concept board
Living room
Living room
Living room
Living room
Living room
Living room
Dining room
Dining room
Dining room
Dining room
Master bedroom
Master bedroom
Master bedroom
Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom
Boy's bedroom
Boy's bedroom
Girl's bedroom
Girl's bedroom
Behind the scenes
Sapphire Residences
Sapphire Residences

Project Area: 130㎡ | Property type: Four-bedroom apartment | Design Type : Full interior design package

Floor plan
Floor plan

This four-bedroom apartment was designed for a family of four: a 2-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl. Whenever they have free time, the couple starts planning their next destination. Whether they are just a couple or parents, they maintain a casual, open attitude towards life.

Concept board
Concept board

The couple had no particular style preference and gave us their full trust. After in-depth communication, we decided on an American light luxury style. It is free from formality, naturally warm, and inclusive, striking a balance between design aesthetics and comfort.

Living room
Living room

The original layout was very regular and met the needs of a family of four. Therefore, we decided to keep the original structural layout intact, only adjusting the floor plan to redefine spaces and optimize the flow of daily life.

Living room
Living room

The overall design is based on a hazy blue foundation, extending to deeper shades of blue like navy and jewel tones throughout the project. Soft pink is subtly incorporated in various areas, and with classic light luxury elements like brass, velvet, and houndstooth patterns, the design remains refined and tasteful.

Living room
Living room

We intentionally decentralized storage solutions, scattering functionalities throughout the home. Uniformly designed cabinets of similar materials are seamlessly integrated, ensuring no space is wasted while maintaining a consistent spatial experience.

Living room
Living room

Life and art are inseparable. Deep blue velvet sofas, houndstooth cotton-linen chairs, marble-metal round tables, and a surrounding layout focus on interactions between family members.

Living room
Living room
Living room
Living room
Dining room
Dining room
Dining room
Dining room
Dining room
Dining room
Dining room
Dining room
Master bedroom
Master bedroom
Master bedroom
Master bedroom
Master bedroom
Master bedroom
Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom
Boy's bedroom
Boy's bedroom
Boy's bedroom
Boy's bedroom
Girl's bedroom
Girl's bedroom
Girl's bedroom
Girl's bedroom
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes